doxieneighborhood is intended to be an all inclusive place for a dachshund - doxie - wienerdog servants to find and discuss everything related to our low running little buddies. In fact you can find us at dachshundneighborhood.com, doxieneighborhood.com, doxyneighborhood.com, dachsieneighborhood.com, dachsyneighborhood.com, wienerdogneighborhood.com, weinerdogneighborhood.com, weenerdogneighborhood.com, and hotdogneighborhood.com. All you have to do is type in just about any moniker for our "masters" followed by neighborhhood dot com and you will find us.
At present, our web site is still under construction. However, we have big plans to make this one of the best doxie resources available. We will be posting monthly articles on the following topics all related specifically to dachshunds:
- Veterinary Medical and Treatment;
- Medicine and Drugs;
- Other Health Concerns;
- Behavior
- Training
- Nutrition;
- Grooming;
- Travel;
- Activities;
- Going Out; and
- Other areas of interest.
We will be making many of these articles in a blog format to allow easy discussion of the contents.
Members will receive an e-mail notifying them of the new articles for the month. All the old articles will be archived and will be searchable.
In addition to the articles, I'm going to be writing about my wienerdog experiences. To get all of our members involved, we are going to have a forum to discuss the articles, to discuss more and better ways of serving our masters, and to discuss pretty much everything doxie. A "DoxieSpace" will be created for the posting of pictures of our little ones along with descriptions of their personalities and likes.
We recognize the tremendous number of dachshund clubs, organizations and associations and acknowledge all the fun and exciting events sponsored by those clubs, organizations and associations. We intend to provide a calendar of events to notify local club members as well as other dachshund people who may like to attend and get involved. We will be working on getting articles and photographs from all these events as well.
One of our first web events will be the selection of Mr., Mrs. and Puppy doxies to grace the pages of the 2009 calendar we will be offering for Christmas. Our pageant will begin during the 2008 summer.
I have plans to get our little buddies involved in the upcoming football season. Really, what goes better with football than "hotdogs?"
With all our plans it is important to remember, doxieneighborhood is for all its members. We have a feedback page in "contacts" for you to give us more ideas on how to make this site a better experience. Also please sign in our guestbook and leave any comments or suggestions.
Please stop back frequently and visit us. We will start incorporating all the intended features in the very near future.
Very Truly Yours,
Todd, Stefanie, Shay Shay May, Baby Baby, and Livi